
Live Trading Lab

  /  Live Trading Lab


Technologically advanced trading lab with one of its best curriculums at Johns business school is an unprecedented financial Lab in the country. The 21st century is all about creating quality wealth. Society is booming with many options to invest and enjoy the returns.

Apart from taking finance as a major in PGDM, our dedicated mentor who is an expert in financial markets and services trains students on how to invest in a variety of financial instruments and services with the help of various data visualization instruments in our trading lab.

To provide a real-life trading experience for the students, we provide opportunities to our students to develop financial data analytics skills and trading simulation tools, our well-equipped lab also provides help for students with the material covered in introductory finance courses, Business Finance and Financial Management.


The mission of the Finance Trading Lab is to:

Develop students’ interest in the financial world and enhance their study in financial assets and markets.

Incorporate the technology into the program and improve the students’ quantitative and computing skills.

Synthesize the financial resources, platforms, and technology to better serve students, faculty, executives, and the financial community. Assist students, faculty, executives and our financial community to have an overall understanding of the growing flow of financial data and its impact on financial markets.

We at John’s created an exclusive and first-of-its-kind live financial trading lab in a Business School. The lab enables the students to develop strong financial skills in stocks, futures, options, currencies and bonds, in addition to understanding the financial market trends; measuring and analysing the performance of companies. The lab provides a platform to have an overall understanding of the flow of financial data and its impact on financial markets through various electronic business databases. With technology integrated, the lab feeds continuous stock related inputs and other financial information. The systems equipped with industry-standard software will enable students to study finance in a setting that mimics a national stock exchange environment and that of a stockbroking firm.